mabtheo Honey - world’s oldest superfood, handpicked from nature

To unlock a million year old superpower, just add mabtheo’s fresh, curated honey to your diet. Rich in antioxidants, proteins and minerals, with natural antibacterial and healing powers, the delicious mabtheo Honey brings the delicate flavours of flowers, spices, condiments to your food along with immunity power.
Handpicked from remote, wild and lush locations in the depths of India, mabtheo Honey comes in glass bottles in its 100% natural, raw, unprocessed, delicious form.

Your secret kitchen ingredient

mabtheo Honey can transform your recipes and help you discover new flavour combinations you never thought was possible.

Happy tasting!

Discover unexpected ways to eat honey

It is time to rethink the traditional tried food and the way honey is paired with food.

- Pair crackers with mabtheo’s Wildflower Honey and feta cheese.
- Drizzle pancakes with our Litchi Honey and fresh blueberries.
- Use the Lemon Infused Honey with your morning bowl of granola, yoghurt and fresh fruits.
- Whip up a batch of brownies with our Creamed Chocolate Honey Spread.
- Add a trickle of Ginger Turmeric or Cinnamon Honey for some spicy notes in a chicken dish.
- Next time you make a Tiramisu, add the Forest Honey instead of sugar for the custard.
- Use the mabtheo Dark Forest Honey to create a barbeque sauce for your kebabs. They are tasty on toast or stirred into tea, or mixed in your smoothie or dressing.

For more delightful culinary delights of honey, click here


  • "This is possibly the widest range of pure honey available to us. The tastes takes me back to my childhood days of how honey tasted – raw, thick and yummy."
  • "After my early morning yoga workout, I need a good hearty breakfast. I love making these breakfast bowls for myself with granola, yogurt, nuts, whatever fruit is available at the moment, and a nice drizzle of Mabtheo honey. Packed full of nutritious ingredients, this breakfast bowl keeps me feeling full and satisfied for hours."
  • "Picked up a set of honey from Mabtheo, now I want to replace sugar with honey in my new venture. Terrific flavours for my new range of sweets."
  • The cinnamon flavored honey is awesome with barbeques. It takes the taste of barbeques to another level. Can you guys get some more innovative flavors for us to try?
  • Tried four variants to see which one I should buy. Now am confused. Each of them give me the taste of real honey. Good combinations, I guess the rawness of the honey being retained is the best part.
  • Suman Khandelwal
  • Ranjana Hamirwasia
  • Chef Sourabh Gujjar
  • Arvind Singh
  • Suruchi Trivedi